Saturday, July 26, 2008

Creative photograph # 7

This was taken in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris in 2004.
Below I played around a bit with the photo, trying for different effects.

It's my entry in Roger's Creative Photography contest.
Which one do you like the best?


Linda said...

Hmm, I'm not sure, I think I like either the original or the last one the best though the blue one does look a bit ethereal.

Good luck this week! I'm going to have to give some thought to a picture to enter myself.

Daryl said...

I liked that you posted all the 'versions' including the original .. makes it fun to see how it was compared to how it is .. nice!


RW said...

I think they all look cool! But my favorite would have to be the black & white.

Thank you for your Creative Photography submission.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I'll take the B&W one. Feels a tad weird in seeing the Cathedral in colors :P

My Creative Photography #7

Mimi Lenox said...

I definitely like the original best. The light shining in the middle gives it a heavenly look.....

Sandee said...

I like the original and the b/w ones the best. Good luck in the contest.

me ann my camera said...

The blue is my choice. It gives a sense of evening or twlight.
ann at nature tales

Ingrid said...

I like the original the best.

Lori Stilger said...

Heck, I wish I could get the ORIGINAL shot. I'm still jealous about your Paris trip! :D
OK. I like the original and the black-n-white. I do agree, there is something intriguing about the blue. Don't care for the dayglow yellow at all! :D
Have a great day! BE BLESSED!

maryt/theteach said...

The original is my favorite Patti. Otherwise the b&w...Good luck! Hope you win! :)

littleredplanet said...

I reckon the pink one is the best. It has a neogothic edge to it that is unique.


Kimmie said...

I love this photo! I love the pink/lavender one the best! Then the black and white. Nice work. :-)

Good Luck!


Dianne said...

I like the original, the blue and the B&W

Can't pick out of those 3 :)

Great editing Patti :)

Patti said...

Linda: Yes, the blue one did come out rather ethereal!

Daryl: thanks, it is fun to do

Roger: thank you for hosting the contest

Napaboaniya: they did come out a bit weird

Queen Mimi: the original is my fave, I think

Sandee: I agree, those colors...

Unknown said...

I like the last one and the original best, Patty!

Good luck!


LAC said...

B&W rocks.
Good luck in the contest.

Ladynred said...

Thanks for the lovely comment!
I prefer the original one and the B & W too!
Scrapbooking and Photography