My daughter thinks I take way too many photos of these cats. But I can't help myself. I spend an awful lot of time with them, and they are fairly easy to capture on camera.
It's blurry, but you can see the brotherly resemblance pretty well in this picture.
there is no such thing as too many cat pictures
I love this pose, they're both looking off into cat fancy distance with such content expressions
that's one big mouse!
Yes, yes they do indeed look like brothers - blurry or not!
honey in my world there is no such thing as "too many cat photos"!!!
smiles, bee
Sorry, but you know how I am about cats. They're demonic, admit it. Oh, to make that big mouse come alive! (What? You want me to be a phony liar??)
That mouse is going to get it lol! Nice photos Patti.
I love all you cat pictures!!!!
Looking at you cat pictures makes me realize that I haven't posted any of the kitties. I am a bad mommy.
Nope, you can never ever take too many pics of cats! Cats are our babies, in a sense, so they deserve the limelight as well. This is a terrific photo!
Do you realize Your Princess-ship that I nearly fell off my blogging throne when I saw the giant R.A.T. sitting underneath your Precious-nesses (that is a word, right?)???
I'm going to take to my room now with the vapors.
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