Sunday, July 20, 2008

Staycation Day 2 =^ . . ^=

Linus and Rigby, The Brothers Furr, asked if they could narrate the photos from Day 2 of our Staycation. I said sure, as long as they were good cats.

"For breakfast Mommy made pancakes for the family. She said they got a little "burnt" but I think this one looks like Mr. Sun."

"Daddy took us to a parade, but when we got there he said we were too late."

"When we got home, we watched our big brother use his computer. He uses it a lot."

"Mommy says the photo is blurry because she was in a hurry. Mommy is always in a hurry."

"Daddy says the best part of a staycation is that you stay close to home, and you don't have to buy much gasoline. He said his van uses a lot of gas."

"Mommy says she might take us with her tomorrow when she has to work."

"What's work Rigby?"

"I dunno, Linus."


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i LOVE the kitties doing the narrating of the staycation! very original post patti! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Michele said...

Bwahaha... I love this! And the "sun" pancake is pretty...

Yeh, "what's work?" that was too precious! No kidding...

Odat said...

I'm playing catch up here patti, and I think the cat's staycation is a're so inventive!!!!

Travis Cody said...

Kitties really know how to relax!

Lynn said...

Sounds to me like Rigby and Linus are practicing for their own blog.