We had hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, watermelon, blueberries, strawberries, cookies, brownies, and, yes, Bee, we had yummy gold cake with butter cream frosting, in honor of several July birthday babies in attendance.
I only had one piece, and stayed away from all those cookies and brownies.

Here the Boyfriend dons special firework watching glasses, to enhance the experience. --->
oboy! cake!!! tits to cake...
smiles, bee
Glad ya had a good 4th cool looking fireworks & tripy glasses!
Awww ...what a great pic of daughter and bf!!!
Love the fireworks and the glasses!
Patti, great shots of 4th of July! Adorable daughter and boyfriend! Great fireworks! :)
Sounds like you had a real American 4th! Nice photos that Kid 1 took...will she be entering them in any photo contests soon ...taking after her mom and dad?
Kid One did a great job with the fireworks photos!!
and she and her boyfriend are adorable.
Sounds like a lovely 4th of July and I like the creative fireworks pictures!
We are debating going to the fireworks show this weekend that they have every year in New London and if we do, I'm going to try to get some better pictures than what I got this weekend. The weather is supposed to be much nicer so that will definitely help! I hope!
All very nice. I'm sure, though, I wouldn't let anybody take my picture if I were wearing those glasses...........
All very nice. I'm sure, though, I wouldn't let anybody take my picture if I were wearing those glasses...........
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