Sunday, November 25, 2007

After a fire comes the shopping

The past eight days have been busy...I've never had my mother burned out of her house before.
I just bought a winter coat, gloves, wallet, and bathrobe to go with the other stuff I got last week. She stayed home and watched TV and tried to relax. The money I spend will be reimbursed by the insurance company.
Everything fits! It's kinda amazing. She's tiny (unlike her daughter) and it's easy to dress her.

There is a house available for her to move into soon. The insurance company will pay the lease while her house of 52 years is being renovated. The moral of the story is get a really good insurance policy, which apparently she has.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

this same thing happened to charlie's mom. we owned a condo that she lived in and the next door neighbor had a fire and it burned through to hers. i had to do all the shopping. i had a nice time. i got to completely redecorate it with insurance money. she got all new stuff. but it took months. that was the worst part...

smiles, bee

Joan said...

I am so glad to read that everything seems to be falling into place nicely for your mom and that her insurance company is cooperating. Have fun shopping and decorating...just remember to keep those receipts!

Lynn said...

The thing about insurance is that you buy it with the hope of never using it, but are very grateful when you do need it. It was that way with us and earthquake insurance. Shopping and getting reimbursed for it sounds like a fun thing to do...under different circumstances.

Casdok said...


the moose buyer said...

Never thought I would have good feelings about an insurance company but I am very happy they are coming through for your mom.

Hope your Christmas will be much better than Thanksgiving. Pls give your mom all our love.

Mimi Lenox said...

Thank goodness for insurance.
And by the way, you are a good daughter.