Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Only three more to go!

Yesterday was my chemo day again...Happy to report I feel fine. Just tired. 

Three more chemo treatments left, then at some point after that (hopefully there will be a bit of a break) I'll start five weeks of radiation. 

That will be five days a week. Woo hoo!  I'm guessing it will be a tiring experience..

On Saturday I'll attempt to walk 3.1 miles in a fund-raiser for the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital in Derby, Ct. It's the third annual event and the first one in which I'm participating.
I plan to take it easy...the second half will be the hard part, since I'm so out of shape. 
Maybe I'll ask Ralph to ride along nearby in the van so he can pick me up when I'm losing my energy. (just kidding) 

My friend Linda suggested I amble. I agree ambling is good!

My (sometimes hurty) knee and I did fine Sunday walking in an event along the shore in West Haven, Ct. to raise funds for the Center for Disability Rights. 
Ralph works for the nonprofit, which gives college scholarships each year to students with disabilities. They said the route was 1.5 miles. It felt like more, but maybe because it was so muggy out.
As you can see in the photo it was an overcast morning.

Meanwhile my oncologist said yesterday he'll be making some brief remarks at Saturday's event, as will several other health-care professionals. He jokingly asked me if I wanted him to mention me.

No thanks, Doc, just wave. I'll see ya. ;-)

{That's about it today for my online journal about my breast cancer journey. Thanks for reading.}

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday ~ morning sun

When I was eating breakfast the other day I spied this shadow on the wall.


Visit our awesome Aussie friend Tracy's Hey Harriet blog every weekend where you can check out lots of shadowy pix from around the globe. 

Happy Shadow Seeking!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Out of my comfort zone

I've never asked anyone for money but I've decided to take a step outside my comfort zone to ask for sponsors (any small $ amount would be much appreciated) as I participate in next week's third Annual 5K Walk/Run to benefit the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital.

That's the facility in Derby, Ct. where I'm currently getting chemo and will soon be getting five weeks of radiation treatments.
The fun never ends! 

The state-of-the-art facility (below see photo of the healing garden outside the treatment room) opened three years ago. 


I took this photo in August. It's such a peaceful setting.

I guess I never dreamed I would be a patient myself in 2011. Goes to show one never knows.

Anyhow, I wrote a story for the paper about the walk/run that you can read here. I hadn't planned on blogging about the event, but I decided to give it a go. 

It's always a good idea to raise awareness of breast cancer. It seems to affect so many people.

The walk organizers' goal is to raise $75,000 this year. I set a goal of $200, to do what I can to help. 

To make a donation click here. Thanks so much!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kemo brain kicks in

Methinks the kemo is kicking in big time. I feel like I can't keep up with anything.

I really could use a mental health day. 

Looks like I'll have to wait until Saturday ...

P.S. I spelled chemo wrong just because I could. ;-) 

{And so my online cancer journey journal continues.} 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chemo light #7 turned out to be #8

Time sure flies when one is having fun! Looks like I lost track of time.

Yesterday I wrote here that it was day number 7 - glad to learn that it was number 8! One less to go until I get to the magic number 12. 

The chemo kinda messes with my sleep, but I much prefer that side effect to others I won't bother mentioning.

I came home exhausted yesterday afternoon and slept for more than two hours to recuperate. Then this morning I woke up after a less than full-night's sleep. :- (
Maybe it's because I skipped a week, and my body has to get used to it again.

{Thanks for reading my online cancer journey journal}

Monday, September 19, 2011

Back to chemoland today

I missed a treatment last week because the doctor was on vacation and the other oncologist in the office is not authorized by my insurance or some such thing,

I was given the option to see a different oncologist in the medical group in another city, if I didn't want to miss a treatment. 
But they said it would be OK to take a week off, so I did.

I believe this is number 7, but who's counting?
I feel fine, and for that I am grateful. 

{Thanks for reading the continuing saga of my cancer journey.}

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cute and observant, if I do say so myself

I went through a drawer yesterday that hasn't been gone through in quite a while.

I found a scrap of paper from 1995, when our daughter was 6 and our son was 4, with the following written on it:

July 30, 1995:

Allegra said, "Cam, you're confusing me." 

Cam replied: "I'm confusing myself."

So Allegra said, "Write it down, Mommy."

~ ~ ~

She knew I was always writing down cute things they said. A lot of it is on scraps of paper.

Now to find them all!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday ~ Sergio edition

I took this photo last Saturday as Ralph went up a long drive into the Stonington, Ct. estate of the late romantic tenor Sergio Franchi. 
We were there to attend the 17th annual Sergio Franchi Memorial Concert emceed by his widow, Eva Franchi.
He died in 1991 and she started hosting the concert a few years later.
The grounds are lovely, and offered plenty of seating for the approximately 4,000 in the audience.

A friend of ours got free tickets to the concert, because a close friend of his, and an acquaintance of ours, was one of the performers.

We had a grand time, enjoyed a picnic lunch and sipped wine on a picture-perfect September afternoon.
Sergio seems to be looking out into the audience enjoying the sights and sounds on his 240-acre estate.

Sadly he was only 64 when he passed away.

The program was mostly opera, with a few Broadway show tunes in the mix. 
And the weather could not have been more cooperative!

Below you see our daughter Allegra's bare foot...we go from the sublime to the ridiculous, I guess you could say. Not that our daughter is ridiculous...I merely mean the subject matter of the photo.

As you can see we sat near the side of the stage for most of the concert, except when our friend performed.
I am not a music critic, so far be it from me to review the performance. But I will say even though we are not into opera, Ralph, Allegra and I enjoyed ourselves! 

See our Aussie friend Tracy's Hey Harriet blog for many more shadowy photos.

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's almost worse than losing one's hair

I never thought much about them until I didn't have any. : (

I realize there are worse things.
And I know there are artificial ones I could get, or I could use eyebrow pencil. 

But I prefer the real kind.

And they're not there any more. 

At least with my head I can find a variety of chapeaux and scarves to cover up the few remaining strands of hair I have. And the wig option is still there.

But eyebrows and for that matter eyelashes (they are mostly gone too) are so visible, unless one wears large sunglasses to cover the blank areas.

Oh me, oh my. 

OK, done whining for today.

{My online journal about my cancer journey continues.}

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pointin' and shootin' through the windshield

 When Ralph is driving, I like to take photos through the windshield. I'm easily amused, I suppose.

These are five of the nine I took Saturday. It had been a gorgeous day at an outdoor event we attended.
The view is along I-95 in southeastern Connecticut, as we headed home.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday: A local remembrance stirs emotions

On Friday morning Ralph and I witnessed an impressive demonstration of patriotism that occurred right outside our front door.
We live near four schools: two elementary and two high schools. Our town's commemoration of the 10th anniversary of 9/11 was due to the creativity and determination of the technical high school principal, Laurie LeBouthillier.
She managed to pull off the coming together of more than 2,400 students and staff members from all four schools, and they lined three streets forming a circle of unity in our neighborhood.

She also coordinated a parade featuring local volunteer firefighters riding in several pieces of fire apparatus, a high school band, elected officials and more.

I covered the story for the newspaper, which you can read here.

Neighbors came out of their houses to watch; parents of children involved took photos and videos along the route. People remarked about how well-organized the solemn event was, and how it stirred their emotions to see so many people take part.
The event apparently went off without a hitch.

I congratulate Laurie on following through on an idea and turning it  into a reality that those involved will long remember. 

Visit our hostess, Tracy, at Hey Harriet to see lots more shadowy pix from around the world.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tossin' and turnin'

... it's not something that I normally do.
I'm blaming my insomnia  on yesterday's chemo light treatment #6.

I woke up after only four hours of sleep. Wasn't happy.
Finally got back to dreamland after about two hours of tossin' and turnin' thanks to a soft and furry heating pad we call Linus. He snuggled up to my back, I was able to relax, and all was well.

Awww ... what a helper he is.  And what a sleeper! He's asleep as I type this. What else is new? Tee hee.

{And so my online journal about my cancer journey continues ... thanks for reading!}

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday

'Twas the first day of school Wednesday and I visited an elementary school to write a story. A friend and former colleague from many moons ago is the principal there now, and I wanted to capture her first "first day of school."
As you can see the kids and parents were waiting for the door to open to start the big day ...

The opening of school was delayed a day in the next town because of some power outages in the district. We lucked out and had no loss of electricity here at our humble abode. 
I feel like I'm jinxing myself by writing that, since it is still hurricane season through the end of November.

Ralph and I didn't participate last week in Tracy's shadowy meme, because we were preparing for and getting nervous about the impending storm. But we're back. ;-) 

I pray there are no more storms like Irene thinking about forming out there in the Atlantic. Just stay away!

Visit Tracy at Hey Harriet and join the shadowy fun!