Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chemo light #7 turned out to be #8

Time sure flies when one is having fun! Looks like I lost track of time.

Yesterday I wrote here that it was day number 7 - glad to learn that it was number 8! One less to go until I get to the magic number 12. 

The chemo kinda messes with my sleep, but I much prefer that side effect to others I won't bother mentioning.

I came home exhausted yesterday afternoon and slept for more than two hours to recuperate. Then this morning I woke up after a less than full-night's sleep. :- (
Maybe it's because I skipped a week, and my body has to get used to it again.

{Thanks for reading my online cancer journey journal}


Barb said...

Wow! Who knew chemo could make to time travel! hahaha. And now only 3 to go. Can you say HOMESTRETCH?!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

here's hoping all goes smoothly and you recover quickly. this last one for sarge was not too bad at all.

smiles, bee

Dianne said...

I hope you have had a good night's sleep last night

Linda said...

There is absolutely nothing worse than not being able to sleep properly. Of course, if not sleeping is all part and parcel of not having cancer anymore than I'd take the not sleeping part, too.

Still, I bet a good night's sleep would be a Godsend. Can you take Benadryl?