Ralph posted photos of the Memorial Day Parade for
Ruby Tuesday, but these are two that he didn't use!
I doubt he would have used this one that I took of him watching Sunday's parade go down Main Street. :-)

See many photos featuring a little or a lot of red at Mary T's
Work of the Poet blog.
It looks like you took Ralph's photo without him knowing it. Nice shot of him watching so intently. :)
He looks great in those shades and that red/white/blue checked shirt.
Happy Memorial Day!
Nice shots and the last one is so candid. Like it! Happy Monday!
BM-Memorial day
Happy Memorial Day and hope you had a fun-filled holiday. nice captures and Ralph sure looks cool in those shades.
good pics!
Happy RT! Late Bloomer Boomer!
Great pictures especially the candid one. Hope you come and visit my blog! I usually do not write this but I just read that you dont respond anymore. I hope you are OK! Thanks for sharing.
Love the reflection on his sun glasses, great shots!
Honoring the heroes on Memorial Day
Great images.
Especially like the red, white and blue flowers on the front of the fire truck for Memorial day parade.
We must continually honor our heros and everyone in the military who represents our country.
Is that a bit of sunburn reddening up Ralph's cheeks??
Great shots, Princess Patti!
great reflection in his glasses
he has a wonderful profile
The photo of Ralph is a superb catch.
He seems to be all occupied by the colorful parade, while you are occupied by your beautiful husband. Great!!!
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