This is Allegra waiting for the big yellow school bus on the first day of kindergarten in August, 1993. She was so looking forward to starting school. She was ready, even though she was not yet 5.
I remember the kids had to wear a piece of paper with their name, teacher's name and school bus number around their necks for the first few days of school.
I don't know if you can see it here, but in case you did and were wondering,..
oh congratulations allegro! great news!
smiles, bee
Allegra was quite a little beauty! Congratulations to her and to you and Ralph as well!
Sunday is going to be one wonderful day for you and Ralph and especially Allegra - wonderful and yet scary at the same time.
Congratulations to all!
Congrats to the graduate. I've got one of those myself, from pre-school that is. ;)
Have a great weekend!!
Allegra sure was a cutie back then! (She's still lovely, actually.)
It's hard to watch them grow up so fast! I bet kindergarten does not feel so long ago.
Contrats to Allegra...and to you and Ralph for raising a great kid!!!
enjoy the day
when my niece graduated I remember her saying "so now I'm all edumacated"
graduit reminded me of that
well done Allegra!
Congrats to Allegra! And, Mom and Dad. :)
My nephew graduated last Saturday.
Celebrate and take lots of pics.
Thanks, all! We are proud.
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