Friday, May 7, 2010

Springtime re-post

It's a beautiful sunny morning here and I thought I would re-post a photo I took last spring of our Rigby.
He passed away two months ago. We all miss his "loopiness" around here, that's for sure.
My nickname for him was "McLoopy."
His brother, Linus, is known as "McSqueaky." He frequently squeaks to me, when he isn't "gakking" at me, that is.
His way of conversing, I guess.

=^. .^=


Lemon Stand said...

Your cat looks almost identical to one of mine! Great picture!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

sad to lose them, I know that so well...

hugs, bee

Dianne said...

I still think of Mia every single day even with the newbie Isadora running around like crazy

that's a beautiful photo Patti

I hope you have a great, relaxing weekend

concretenprimroses said...

What a sweet face rigby had! His coloring reminds me of our Ringo who was new to us this fall as a replacement for Teeger who died.
I miss Teeger still!