We is proud! Our daughter Allegra graduated cum laude Sunday from the University of Hartford. Woo hoo!
You can read about it
here, and
here. ;-)
We took lots of photos, and I'm going to write one more post about it.
Here she is with her dad the day before graduation at a reception. Notice red balloons in background.

I spotted this floral decoration planted in front of the stage for the festivities ~ the school's colors are red and white.

And this pansy planting has some red in it as well.

And of course the program.
See many more pix featuring a little or a lot of
red at Mary T's
Work of the Poet.
Oh, that is so special! Love those red balloons and the florals. And the proud Dad, too.
Perfect pictures for Ruby Tuesday! How fortunate that the University of Hartford's colors are red and white - just like Amanda's high school now that I think about it.
Congratulations to you and Ralp Patti, you raised such a smart daughter. You must be very proud! Goodluck to Allegra!
just pretty...happy RT!
Congratulations, Allegra! It takes a lot of work and a bit of smartness to graduate with honors!
Congrats to Mom and Dad too!
Happy RT! Nebraska's and Houston's colors are both the Big Red (and white) too!
Congratulations to Allegra and her proud parents. I love how you're all beaming in all the photos :).
My photography is now available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
congratulations Patti
it's so nice to share the day a bit with all of you
Ralph's post was wonderful too
congrats Allegra!!
Red happens to be my favorite color! It makes me happy!
It was clearly a Red Letter Day!
congrats to your lovely daughter again! you must be soo proud of her :)
u may view mine here
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