The other day I was overjoyed to see that I had actually planted a pink hyacinth from last Easter. I had no memory of doing so. A blanket of leaves kept it safe and warm all winter.
A touch of spring for us to enjoy.

I have been trying to make the photo straight, but no can do. I'm not only frustrated with my felines, I'm frustrated with my lack of technical skills. But if you tilt your head to the right you can see the pretty blossoms are gone, mere nubs of their former selves.
I hope they bloom again.
Darn kitty cats.

right click the photo and it should say rotate and click that. hope it works!
smiles, bee
Gee, I hope that they aren't poisonous! I never even thought about cats eating pansy blossoms but I guess that people do eat flowers so why not cats? Hopefully they will produce a few more blooms and you can plant them outside before they become snack food for the boys again!
The pink hyacinth is very pretty and isn't it nice to see a forgotten surprise that's such a pretty one?!?
Beautiful flowers can be very tempting ;). I agree to Linda, the pink hyacinth is a lovely surprise.
Pretty pretty Patti (Smiles)
silly cats...
Hope your pansies come back. The cats don't bother mine but they do dig in my garden from time to time.
Hugs and blessings,
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