This morning the young guy from the pest-control company showed me the hole between the eaves where they have easy access to the attic. Why didn't I notice that myself?
He is coming back Monday to, ahem, work on getting rid of the guys. Traps will be involved. I don't want to know. They will come back every day and check on the traps.
All I know is it's going to cost a lot of money, money that we really don't have to spend on squirrel removal. Sigh.
A least there is a one-year warranty for the hole that they are going to seal. Warranty won't cover any new holes that allow varmint access.
As for the wheelchair, all is back to normal. On Friday Ralph got a new chair cushion and back. They wanted to charge him, a fairly-regular customer, $1,000 but somehow he got it for a little over $300. You go, Ralphie!!
And in the female cardinal department, that vain little bird was preening in the side-view mirror of my car again, yesterday afternoon and this morning. She likes to look at herself, it seems. See photos below:

And the lucky reflection capture:

yikes, that's alot to deal with honey, sorry...
hugs, bee
I'm sorry to read about your squirrel problem. The cute birdie must be going on a lot of dates ;). Have a great weekend, Patti.
I guess this means that we should all "squirrel away" some more money...sorry, I couldn't resist. We are currently having a problem with bees...I have found at least 1,000 dead and live ones in my garage...and I know they are living in the wall. I'm scared to call someone...I just know that it's going to cost a bundle : (
Sorry to hear you've been going squirrely over there! Hope the little fellas cooperate and can be removed without incident.
I love that last shot though the ones of the cardinal preening in your sideview mirror are all great! Just goes to show that most females can't pass by a mirror no matter what species they are!
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