It's not '"y," it's "i" - P-A-T-T-I
Here's the photo in sepia tones:

The Christmas season has always been my favorite time of the year. When I was little it was all about Santa (as an only child I got a lot of loot), my birthday and my father's birthday the next day and now, well it's also about Santa, my birthday and my daughter's birthday. Allegra was born on my birthday in 1988. Woo hoo!!
So we're still celebrating around here. Have a nice Sunday!
Awwww... you are such a cutie!!!
I still think today that Christmas is for kids, it's just the way I am.
Even though I never had a Christmas ever as a child, I still believe children should have wonderful Christmases! Go ahead and spoil them!
A very nice photo, Patti!
Michele: Aren't you celebrating your birthday on Wednesday?
happy birthday patt"i"!!!
smiles, bee
Cute photo ... and it seems to me that it's fine to be sentimental any time ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
That is adorable with a capital A. You heartbreaker you!
P.S. Are you feeling the empty nesties about now? Just wondering....
Patti, I love the sepia photo! Submit it at my blog Sepia Scenes, why don't you?
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Allegra too! My best to Ralph! :)
Bee, Mary: thanks for the wishes. I guess I was looking for attention by announcing my birthday is tomorrow!
Storyteller: I agree, it's always OK to be sentimental!
Mimi: that is quite a compliment coming from royalty. No empty nest yet..
No problem to ask for attention, Patti! Glad you like my new Ruby Tuesday badge! :)
Very nice picture, Patti. You're just like Ralph, you love these pictures that tells people's story. Your story.
Joyeux anniversaire, Patti, belated, but I celebrated it on your husband's blog when he wrote about it in December.And I was on time at this moment.*
Joyeux Anniversaire aussi à Allegra. (Is it the good spelling, I hope so. Excuse me if I made a mistake on her first name.)
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