Thursday, January 10, 2008

Today's the day...

...and I'm getting nervous.

In a little while we're going to pick up two cats and bring them home. We decided to just say no to the name Ringo. We like the name, but Kid One really wants to name one of the cats Rigby, so we thought the names would be confusingly similar. And we still haven't settled on another name for Kat Two.
Our son likes Thor, but I don't think so. He liked Milo, but his good friend just got a second cat and the family named him Milo, so we can't be copy cats.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

what about eleanor? you know, eleanor rigby??? ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Joan said...

How about "Jude" for Kat Two's name? That way, when he's outside and you need to call him in, you can yell "Hey Jude."

Lynn said...

What's wrong with Kitty? in here kitty, kitty, kitty.

Patti said...

Bee, Joan and Lynn: sorry, but no.

The names are set..stay tuned. Trying to get good pix before posting.

Casdok said...

Todays the day! How exciting!! :)