Thursday, January 10, 2008

Introducing . . .




Poor little guys are scared, sitting statue-like for hours. And they both seem to have drippy eyes. They were only at the vet on Monday...I guess they just need to be cleaned.
I need to show them where the litter box is, but they don't like to be picked up or bothered at this point.
But they do let me pet them.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

so are you saying you aren't going to put little dresses on them yet and let them blog? just askin'! ha ha ha ha ha

they are beautiful honey!

smiles, bee

Patti said...

Bee, They already told me they want to learn how to blog like those other smart kitties.

Joan said...

Such very pretty kitties! I can't wait to read their very first posts! :~D

Casdok said...

Hopefully it wont take them long, they are lovely.

slow panic said...

Oh I love them! I'm so glad they have a good home. They will warm up to you and be so happy!

Lynn said...

What handsome looking kitties! I'm thinking after a few meals, they will both warm up to you. Now I want one...if only I could figure out where to put the litter box.

Linda said...

Linus and Rigby are quite the lookers! I'm sure that before you know it they will have settled in and taken over the house!

the moose buyer said...

give them a little more time to get used to the environment and figure out that you and Ralph are the ones who provide the food. I am guessing that once they figure that out they will be very attached to the two of you.

Great names by the way.

Michele said...

Oh, they are gorgeous...

Mimi Lenox said...

They are adorable!

sari said...

they're so cute!!