Sunday, January 20, 2008

Felinus obnoxious, times two

I know, that's not really fair. They're not being obnoxious, just acting like cats.

But they are causing me to wake up at night for one reason or another and that is not my preference.

Here ------->
they are having a little bit of 'Saturday night fun.' I put some catnip in the comfy cat bed I bought them, which of course they don't use, and turned it on its side. When they got wind of it, woo hoo!
They had a good time.

Each day they get a little braver. At the moment they are both sitting on top of our bed, instead of hiding underneath it. They are looking like they own the bed.
What's a little fur among friends?


Mimi Lenox said...

So cute. You are a good cat mommy.

Casdok said...

Lolvey pic, good to see them enjoying themselves!

Michele said...

Ah, it's nice to see a photo... I hope they settle down soon.