I love October!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
More from a fun fall foliage trip
autumn colors,
fall foliage,
photo fun
Boo! A Halloween re-post
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween fun
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Shadow Shot Sunday

Today we revisit the hairdresser (only took me 4 1/2 months to get another haircut).
Regular readers will remember a series I posted in April featuring bits and pieces from Maureen's shop.
You can see the first one posted April 17 here, and I posted several more after that. I took these photos today through the back door of her shop.

Maureen feeds 13 outdoor cats, all of which (whom?) have been fixed. They live in the yard near the shop, which is just off the main road.

And have a Happy Halloween weekend!
photo memes. shadow shots
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Backyard colors
So, howza 'bout some more foliage photos? I love October, and suddenly it is coming to a close.
Note to Duchess Linda: I told you we could have stayed and taken photos in the backyard. Think of all the money you could have saved on gas!
But I must admit we had a "gas" Saturday exploring the Northwest hills of Connecticut.
The first photo was taken through the back window.
autumn colors,
blog friends,
fall foliage,
photo fun
Monday, October 25, 2010
Fall foliage found
On second glance through my photos, I realized I did get some pretty foliage shots Saturday whilst snapping pix with Linda. (See here and here)
We laughed as we drove further north, only to find a lot of leafless trees.
Our immediate reaction was "where are all the leaves?" because although there was color, it was kinda sparse.
But there were some trees that cooperated. ;-)
Here are some pretty Litchfield County leaves, for all you leaf-lovers out there!

autumn colors,
blog friends,
fall foliage,
photo fun
Sunday, October 24, 2010
That's where the leaves went...

Linda took lots more. :-)
We didn't see quite as much colorful fall foliage as we had hoped.
This photo taken at the base of Haystack Mountain in Norfolk, Ct. kinda tells the story.
Well, there's always next year.
autumn colors,
blog friends,
fall foliage
Shadow Shot Sunday ~ road trip

I went along on a foliage drive Saturday with a dear bloggy friend and fellow Connecticut resident, Linda, who isn't afraid to stop at any time to park anywhere along the way to grab just the right photo.
And I gladly joined her as we hopped out of the car, me with my point and shoot, her with her beautiful SLR to capture an autumnal moment. At one point we even braved the aroma of a nearby cow farm.
It was a lot of fun.
Today I offer some "through the windshield photos" I took whilst we wound our way up through the hills of Litchfield County in rural northwestern Connecticut.
Take note of the lack of foliage. Some of the trees we passed looked downright dead, as if they had not had any leaves on them in recent memory. Did we get there too late? Or had they been like that for years?
See many more shadowy pix at Shadow Shot Sunday, hosted by our awesome Aussie friend Tracy at Hey Harriet.

fall foliage,
photo memes. shadow shots
Monday, October 18, 2010
Ruby Tuesday
Ah, such beautiful two-tone October foliage on this tree I spotted last week in the Ansonia (Ct.) Historic District.

All the wires? Not so much. But necessary in our world. When this blue house, known as the Blakeslee House, was built in 1712, no one ever dreamed of electricity, or blogs. ;-)
Perish the thought.

Well there is not much Ruby-ness in this photo, but there are some red leaves and a red door peeking out from the lower right-hand corner. I usually have a bit more red in my Ruby Tuesday posts.
color red,
photo memes. Ruby Tuesday
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Shadow Shot Sunday

...and some shadowy Saturday afternoon clouds. I hope the clouds qualify for shadow shots!

...and some shadowy Saturday afternoon clouds. I hope the clouds qualify for shadow shots!

You can see lots of shadowy photos at a meme hosted by our awesome Aussie friend Tracy at Hey Harriet.
photo memes. shadow shots
Pink is for Pumpkins

Christine's creative teen-aged daughter painted and decorated the pumpkins.
I thought they were adorable and was happy I had my camera with me.
Didn't think to ask if she had painted them pink because October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month or because our community is going pink this coming week.
The Valley Goes Pink Week starts tomorrow...schools, businesses, and organizations have pink-themed activities planned throughout the week to benefit a $1 million fund-raising campaign to go toward construction of a breast wellness center. One town has its own group, and will give part of the proceeds from their events to national breast cancer research organizations.
I wrote a story for the paper about the pink initiative, which was published today, that you can read here.
breast cancer,
color pink,
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Looking at the Sky on Friday

I thought the cloud formations looked pretty interesting. I'm glad I took it, because now the sky is gray. Rain is in the forecast.
Looking at the Sky on Friday,
photo memes
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Love ya Linus

So I'm giving him his space.
feline fun,
indoor cats,
Monday, October 11, 2010
Ruby Tuesday

The leaves are starting to change color here in southern Connecticut. I'm kicking myself that I didn't take this photo looking toward our neighbor's yard yesterday, when the cloudless sky was the most beautiful shade of blue. Today the clouds are upon us.

See many more photos featuring shades of red at Mary T's Work of the Poet. Have a happy Ruby Tuesday!

color red,
photo memes. Ruby Tuesday
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Shadow Shot Sunday ~

It has been featured in several posts by me, and by Ralph. We love the grandeur of the place. They just don't make buildings like that any more.

photo memes. shadow shots
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A re-post from a different blog
I posted this on our paper's local blog yesterday. I think I can use it here, don't you? I figure it's my photo taken with my camera.
Emmett O'Brien Technical High School will hold its third annual classic car show from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday at the school, 141 Prindle Ave., Ansonia. More than 200 cars are expected to be on display. Admission is $2 for spectators. Entrant registration fee is $10 the day of the show. A super spot for entrants to park their cars costs $35, which includes served breakfast and lunch. Proceeds benefit the Parent-Faculty Organization and Skills USA. These Canada geese spotted in front of the school Wednesday morning seem to be waiting for the fun to begin.
And the title was:
Honk if you like car shows

just for fun
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
From the e-mail bag today we have...
At last, a cell phone for seniors!

Have a great Tuesday ~
from the e-mail bag,
just for fun
Monday, October 4, 2010
Oh, hail!
We just had a passing hailstorm. It was crazy out there for a few minutes. These are straight out of the camera...

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Shadow Shot Sunday

Today was a simply glorious Saturday for a street fair ~ and we were there for the seventh annual Harvest Festival.
It featured food, fun, craft vendors, live music, kiddie rides, pumpkins, cornstalks, hay bales, scarecrows, and more..
You'll have to take my word for it, since these are the only pictures I snapped. ;-)

Join the shadowy fun at our awesome Aussie friend Tracy's Hey Harriet blog.
(The guy at the end of the block in the top photo is someone many of you know.)
photo memes. shadow shots,
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