On second glance through my photos, I realized I did get some pretty foliage shots Saturday whilst snapping pix with Linda. (See here and here)
We laughed as we drove further north, only to find a lot of leafless trees.
Our immediate reaction was "where are all the leaves?" because although there was color, it was kinda sparse.
But there were some trees that cooperated. ;-)
Here are some pretty Litchfield County leaves, for all you leaf-lovers out there!

These first two photos were taken through the windshield. Not only do I do that when Ralph drives, I also take pix when Linda is the driver. It's nice to just sit and snap photos, and leave the driving to someone else. I guess I'd make a good tourist!
I really liked the way this limb on an old old tree on the Norfolk Green curled down and then back up.
The last photo was taken at the foot of Haystack Mountain in Norfolk. That's as far as we got on that mountain..the foot!
All of the above were straight out of the camera. I think if I worked with them a bit the colors could really come alive, don't you think?
wow they brilliant
love the shoots
but the second one is breath-taking
have great day
I love the yellow one, especially that branch that seems to dip down as a swing!
oh my gosh that yellow one is beautiful!!!
smiles, bee
Very nice - especially for being straight out of the camera! You are a professional passenger photographer! Good thing I had a semi-clean windshield!
And if I didn't tell you before, I had a wonderful day! We'll have to do it again sometime!
Gorgeous. Its not much better here, I am afraid. They are either all brown and gone, or just green. Very strange how it turned this year.
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