
I ended up seeing two fireworks displays this weekend: one on Friday night and one on Saturday night. Woo hoo! I'm sure we could find one tonight, since it's the actual Fourth of July, but I'll pass. I did have fun experimenting with the point and shoot.
The above ones were taken on Friday night in Derby, Ct. Below are fireworks we went to last night with a bunch of relatives in Manchester, Ct. So many towns in New England have the same names as towns in England.
Hmmm...I wonder why that is?
And that's what we are celebrating today ~ our nation's Independence from the Crown. Like how I tied that all in?
I was further away from the fireworks for these photos. It made a difference!
Bonus shot: Our grand-nephew Adam using a toy tennis racket as a guitar at our family's Fourth of July party Saturday. Isn't he adorable?
Great shots, Patti! And even though the ones from further away are less defined, I like the colored dots! I almost feel bad that I didn't even try to take any fireworks pictures this year but only almost! I'm just as happy to look at everyone else's pictures!
And your grand-nephew is a real cutie!
he is, indeed, adorable! happy 4th honey!
smiles, bee
What a cutie pie he is! I didn't see a single firework. Not a one. I was in bed much earlier than O'dark:30. I like that red & blue one. Sort of a bokeh shot!
Me again! Actually, Bokeh is a photography term. It's the blur in an out-of-focus area of a photograph.
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Adam made me smile! What a cutie.
Your fireworks turned out way better than mine!
What song was he playing?
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