It was wonderful to wake up at 5 a.m. because the air was chilly and I had to pull the sheet up to my chin.
Woo hoo! The recent heat and humidity have made me so sluggish.
So for now I am celebrating being cool!
I'm sure it won't last. They say it's still July.

we have been sitting out on the balcony for morning coffee but today was too hot so we came in. it was early too!
smiles, bee
Can you pass me some of that please? Mother Mercy, it's hawt!
big hugs :)
Wasn't yesterday morning just gorgeous? Of course, I only got to take advantage of it on my short drive to work but when I came home at 11:00 last night I opened up ALL the windows and let the fresh air in! I just wish the nice weather had been able to stick around longer before the heat and humidity slid back in. Rats!
It does have a musical look. I remember when Leonard Zakim was a leader in Boston. It wasn't too long ago - he died too young.
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