I've posted about the Colt building before, but this blue, onion-shaped dome always catches my eye as we approach downtown Hartford. Saturday was an absolutely gorgeous day here in Connecticut. You can see the temperature was 59 degrees when I took this. Woo hoo!

I originally was going for a Ruby Tuesday photo when I saw the red bleachers below, then the adorable Smart Car, the different lines of the parking lot and the tall lights for the field caught my eye. It was perfect weather, especially after all the snow we have had this winter.
The parking lot wasn't empty, it just looks like that from this angle. Parents were having tailgate parties before a Lacrosse game. Ah, spring.

Here are mother and daughter before the women's basketball game. I was happy even if my expression is weird.
Ralph and I were given T-shirts at the lunch and celebration beforehand, the only catch was we had to put them on over our clothes.

And here I am with Cameron, Kid Two, who wasn't playing trumpet in the pep band like he normally does. He was doing some behind-the-scenes work for the college TV station. He told Ralph he had been there since 8:30 that morning (for a 2 p.m. game). Working hard!
I thank my Airhead 55 for snapping these family photos. I must admit I forgot to reciprocate. He isn't in any of them.
Next time I promise to do better.
poor ralph! sorry... i often tell sarge i am not in any of our photos unless i hand him or someone my camera and say "take this photo". there will be 25 of sarge, one of us both, and two of me on a normal cruise! ha ha ha
smiles, bee
I always thought the Colts dome looked out of place where it is located. Its so beautiful it should be closer to the city.
Lovely photos Patti. Mother and daughter look really great.
That dome appears to have a Russian heritage.
Hey - someone HAS to be the photographer and I'm sure that Ralph didn't mind at all! You look SO happy to be with the kids, too!
I love the idea of "Photos from the passenger seat"! Of course, the only way I could do it is if I parked the car, got out, and sat back down in the passenger seat! Even if Amanda was allowed to drive (which I am stalling on!), were I in the car with her, I'd probably be too terrified to be taking photos while she drove! Hard to hold a camera when your hands are tightly grabbing the dashboard or whatever else you can find!
Excellent shots from your visit...glad y'all enjoyed
That's the disadvantage to be the family photographer. I'm rarely on pictures myself. But, in fact, I'm not always satisfied of the pictures of me.....
Interesting series of photos. Kudos to Ralph for capturing and sharing them.
Hugs and blessings,
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