Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's berry interesting

I feel like I've seen quite a few photos of berries around the blogosphere in recent days. Was it just me?
I thought I would get in the swing and photograph a hedge in our yard which has red berries growing in just one small area of it.
So here goes:

And below, with hue and saturation:

Trying to do close-ups with my point and shoot.

And below with some hue and saturation:

The white in the background is snow.

If you don't like these pictures, I have more photos of my felines to share...just sayin'.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i used to have these berries! i forgot about them. i think when we lived in maryland...

smiles, bee

Amrita said...

Hi Patti, Thamk you for visitngmy blog and commenting.I love your photography.I bought a digital camera just for my blog.
Your libray building is beautiful and cats so cuddly.

We don 't have these berries here.

Odat said...

How very pretty!!! Nice job.


Helen Bennett Harvey said...

patti - these are beautiful - i have never seen anything like that in winter

Michele said...

Ah, the berries are beautiful. Red and quite plump, aren't they!?
I like the third photo the best out of all of them!

Linda said...

I love how the red berries add some color to an otherwise dreary winter which seems to have really had us in its grip now for way too long. I don't mind a little cold but this is ridiculous!

Christy said...

One of our writers is working on a piece about the colors of winter and most of those colors are berries!