Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's always something

Last night I headed out to cover an awards ceremony and swearing-in.
I got into my car, but it wouldn't turn over, to use a technical term.
Ran back into house, asked Ralph to tear himself away from the blogosphere (sorry, Ralph) and take me to the ceremony. Fortunately it was only two miles away, and I didn't get there too late. They started a bit late! Yay for me.

When it was over, I called Ralph and he said he'd be there in a few. It takes him a while to get back up the lift into the van and transfer from the wheelchair into the driver's seat. I understand that, not a problem.
Then daughter called and said that the wheelchair gauge indicated it needed charging and he would be a few extra minutes. That was OK, except I was on deadline, and I didn't know how long it would be until he got there.
I almost started walking (it was quite mild out) but then he came down the road. Whew.
Sorry I messed up your evening, Ralph, and then you had to relinquish the computer to me. Oh, the pain. You can use it for as long as you want tonight. I promise!
Meanwhile, will you buy a new car battery for me? The guy who jumped the car this morning said I probably need one.

Thanks in advance,

Your loving spouse


Mimi Lenox said...

I'm sorry for your trouble but that was such a cute post. Really.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

How sweet that you both have a spot to communicate! LOL

RALPH...get that battery replaced dude!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh buggers...

smiles, bee

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Oh sure do it publicly so he cannot refuse...ha

Michele said...

LOL... I may need to try this with my hubby for a new Laptop!