Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Creative photograph

This is my entry for Week 2 of Roger's creative photography contest.
Our daughter snapped it w
hen we were in Paris on a school trip in February 2004.
What I like is she was able to get the shot through the bus window. If it doesn't look sharp and clear, that's why. But I love it.

Oui, oui!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

beautiful shot!!!

smiles, bee

maryt/theteach said...

Wow, that's a great shot, Patti! Good Luck!

Lynn said...

That was taken through a bus!

Dianne said...

I would think the shot was carefully set up!

I'd never guess it was through a bus window

can I go to your daughter's school! ;)

Gemma Wiseman said...

What a beautiful, stunning shot! Good luck in the competition!

bobbie said...

Your daughter did a wonderful job!

RW said...

Patti thank you for your submission for Creative Photography.

Barb said...

Oui, oui! Pretty good shooting, indeed!

Linda said...

Ooolala! I love it!

me ann my camera said...

C'est magnifique! Tres beau. Lovely.
nature tales and camera trails

Joan said...

Wow! The colors in the photo and the composition are exquisite. Great job!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

She did a very nice job

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I'll still say it's a good capture from the bus by your daughter :)
Great one!

Napaboaniya APAD

Mimi Lenox said...


Ingrid said...

A very beautiful shot ! For once the Eiffel tower looks nice and romantic !

Ladynred said...

Very beautiful shot. Thanks for the comment.
Scrapbooking and Photography

Kimmie said...

Very nicely done Patti! Love the golden ambiance.

Michele said...

Your daughter did a fantastic job. The perspective on this is awesome and to me it looks clear enough! The composition on this is great... what a fun photo!! Very nice!

Linda Murphy said...

I love those lucky, unplanned shots. Sometimes they are the best ones.

And I liked the blurred effect too!