The mat, which looks brownish now, was a pale green color, if I remember correctly. The glass in the frame was shattered during the fire. I hope someone can restore it for us.
A quick check of Wikipedia shows that the church was founded in 1848 and its real name is Church of the Transfiguration. It is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Wikipedia says: "Located at 1 East 29th Street, in the Murray Hill District, the church is set back from the street behind a garden creating a facsimile of the English countryside in midtown Manhattan and has long been an oasis for New Yorkers of all faiths who relax in the garden, pray in the chapel or enjoy free weekday concerts in the main church. It has also been known as the "wedding church" because of the popularity of the church for weddings."
It continues: "Designed in the early English Neo-Gothic style and with its quaint English Garden retains a picturesque quality of a true English parish church, despite being in sight of the Empire State Building. The church also features numerous and eclectically designed side chapels and a 14th Century stained glass window."
My parents met in Manhattan, (she was from New Jersey, he was from New Haven) and spent many happy times at all the hot spots of the day, my mother tells me.
What a pretty church...ya know, this isn't that far from where I used to work...and I never knew it was there.......
Most of my work is in pen and ink and even though I have had no fire or water damage, you can have it repaired from a reputable person. Won't be cheap though. This is a beautiful piece and because of the sentimental value, it's worth it!!
No wonder they got married there - what a lovely little church! Very picturesque!
I hope you can get the picture restored.
hi...first time visitor to your blog. nice to meet you!
That is a pretty church!
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