I didn't post about it all week. Didn't know what to say, I guess. I was happy for him, but sad for me.
He received a diploma of distinction, got to wear a National Honor Society sash over the graduation gown, received two scholarships totalling $2,500, and more.
We're certainly proud of all he has accomplished.
<--- Here he is as Superman on Halloween a few years back. So adorable, in my humble opinion!

And here he is in June 2008. ----->
He wants to major in computer science, or maybe electrical engineering, or maybe both. Time will tell...
Below is a picture of him and a good friend, someone he has known since they were toddlers.
Thumbs up, guys! Great job!

Best of luck in college, you two!!!
Please don't forget your loving parents when you are both rich and famous, you hear?
very handsome young man and adorable super hero! ha ha ha
smiles, bee
Wow...Kid2 is still wearing a Superhero outfit only this time there's a big "G" for graduate! Congratulations to him and to his very proud parents!
What a handsome and happy looking young man. Ah, if only knew what he was in for! Funny how we are always so anxious to get out of high school and then once we're out, we realize that it really was a pretty easy time of our lives. Least ways that's my take on the whole thing.
Great job on those scholarships, too, I'm sure Cameron will go far in life - after all, look at the great role models he has for parents!
Awww. Time does fly, doesn't it? What a fine looking and smart guy you've got there. Time to let him fly!
I love the name Cameron!
Congrats to him and you for guiding him in the right direction. It must be almost surreal. I bet it feels good though. For both of you.
That's just super cool! What awesome photos. You both must be just bustin' with pride! I can imagine also so much other emotions swirling around...
Life is just beginning... sit back and just watch and see how much more fun this will be and how much more proud you're gonna get!! He has obvious so much potential and I see so much going on!!
Congratulations to Cameron and to his parents:~) I'm already worrying about the graduation from H.S. and the leaving part...and Elle is just entering 9th grade. I will look forward to seeing how you handle the 'empty nest' experience. ((hugs))
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