Saturday, January 12, 2008

Picture this ~ WACKY CAT IN WALL

Kid Two took this photo four hours ago. Rigby is still in the wall. His staff is not amused.
I bumped into someone I used to work with when I went out this morning. He has had a lot of cats and told me that the cat will come out eventually. He said they all love tuna and I should put some tuna down by the opening to lure him out.
This kitty is going to be plenty dusty when he does come out.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

he'll come out when he's ready! and yes, i think it's funny, but then it's not MY wall! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Casdok said...

Yes still funny, but like Bee, its not my wall or my cat!!
Oh and my cat dosnt like tuna!!