I took a fun foliage trip to the Northwest hills of Connecticut two weeks ago with blogger extraordinaire Linda of Are We There Yet? and we stopped at this covered bridge.
Linda is an expert on covered bridges! And she was startled to find this one in need of a good power washing. She said other ones she had seen in New England were not filled with dirt and cob webs like this one is, which made us both embarrassed for our home state of Connecticut.
It was pretty gross when we ventured inside and walked through it. You can't tell from the photo below, but take our word for it!

Great capture!
Maria @ LSS
Why not email the Governor? Perhaps he is not aware how grody the bridge is... and perhaps he may see to it that it gets a nice bath and sprucing up!
Love the blue sky!
Big hugs :]
If you hadn't told us we'd never have known, it looks fine in the photo.
Brand new at Around the Island Photography -- Photoverse Prints - Faith-Based and Inspirational Custom Photo Art
I love covered bridges
must be part of my Bridges of Madison County fantasy :)
the view through the bridge out to the daylight and cars makes for a very cool shot
I like covered bridges but they are very rare here in Ontario. I wonder why this one is so dirty,
I'll have to eventually get around to posting a picture of the gross inside of the bridge as I suppose it does look relatively okay in most pictures. Plus, if you haven't been to too many bridges, you'd never know what kind of sad shape this one is in that a little TLC could fix right up!
Maybe Barb is right, maybe we should write a letter to our new governor - now that we have one! And after he gets into office, of course.
A different bridge you show up, great shot.
Thanks for visiting my blog ;))
This is a beautiful covered bridge. I haven't seen one here. Great captures.
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