Since our camera no longer works, Kid One came to the rescue yesterday and took some photos of the new fallen snow as the sun was setting. She did a great job. Here you can see we didn't stack up the patio chairs and table before the snow.
* Happy winter to all *
oh too bad about the camera! bummer! i want a new one too cause sarge keeps taking mine and then he changes the settings and i don't know how to get it back to the way it was! (i know, i'm a dunce!) anyway we need two! ha ha
smiles, bee
Kid One did an excellent job with this shot! I was really wishing I'd had my camera with me at work yesterday evening as the sky was just so pretty at sunset. Alas, it was at home and my cell phone took some really lousy shots that weren't worth keeping.
I hope Santa brings you that new camera!
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