Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

~ From the archives ~

Here's our Kid One in 1991, helping us with the fall leaves. My the years do fly by. Now Allegra is a senior in college.
I haven't aged a bit, nor has her dad. Hahahahahaha.

To see many more Ruby Tuesday photos, visit our hostess, Mary T, at Work of the Poet.


Heidi said...

Now that's the greatest deal I've ever heard! Your kids get to grow up but you and your hubby stay the same! Where did I miss out on that, as my kids have grown, so has my waistline!
Great festive picture!
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

Mrs.Who said...

My baby is on her way to becoming a college freshman and I to agree lol they grow and we stay the same. Very clever.

Please stop by and join in on a giveaway if you like.

Linda said...

I'm kind of with Heidi on this one - kids grow up and so does my weight!

Hard for me to believe that Amanda will be graduating from high school in just 8 short months ... honestly, where does the time go??

Safire's Rose - Cakes,Cookies,Dinners,Sides said...
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Anonymous said...

Awww! So cute. Especially in red. ;-)


EG CameraGirl said...

I hope Allegra knows how cute she was back then. What a sweeties!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Picking up dead leaves,
timeless autumn ritual—
we’ll do it again…

My Ruby Tuesday

Leora said...

Allegra is so sweet looking! She looks like she is so eager to help. Nice to read about your kids on your blog and on your husband's.

Carletta said...

I missed this earlier Patti. She is a cutie and I remember those bags for my own kids. Of course one of my kids has two little ones this coming Halloween.
Where does the time go!!!

Felisol said...

Oh, I have been looking through old photo albums today.
Allegra was and is such a princess.
Handling that big pumpkin monster with firm disgust, she shows her ability to handle life's difficult situations.
From Felisol

Felisol said...

P.S. Looking once more, I see she's got that shy smile on her face. She can cope with any monster.
From Felisol