I have to get out more. I've gotten so many blog posts out of one street fair my mother and I went to last weekend that I can hardly believe it.
I snapped this as we were leaving the harvest festival. I think it came from a booth decoration. I don't think it was a bunch of balloons that accidentally flew away from a little child's hand.
That would be sad if it were the case, wouldn't it?

To view many more sky photos, visit Tisha at CrAzY Working Mom.
Yes, it would be sad...but I prefer to think it was a planned release by the festival organizers. (Or that someone bought the poor child replacements.)
well they sure got there somehow! ha ha ha
smiles, bee
Absolutely great capture. Very nicely done indeed. Have a wonderful week-end.
I really like this! I do hope you're right and that the balloons didn't belong to a child.
Looks like you captured those blue balloons at just the right moment. If they had floated a bit higher they'd be difficult to see against the sky.
Patty you can get a sore neck taking photos from that angle lol. Nice shot!
I was thinking the same as EG before I read her comment. The white background of the clouds makes the balloons stand out where they are.
Glad you were looking up and not just at the sky!
Lovely Patti!
Round The Bend.
That is cute! Love the silky sky.
I love how the balloon centered on that big streak of cloud, gorgeous!
Come and take a look some gorgeous parts of Mt. Seorak in Korea.
this is such a pretty shot
the blue is beautiful
Cool photo, the sky is so blue that those balloons would be invisible if it weren't for the clouds.
Calico Contemplations
i love this picture! it almost looks like the balloons are tied on to the telephone wire.
It's great how you captured the balloons against the white sky or else they might have mixed in with the blue sky and we never would have seen them!
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