Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Shy gene

I definitely was born with the shy gene, and since I write for a daily newspaper I have to overcome my shyness each and every day to do my job.
So in reality it's more than just a job, it's therapy.
But I am a lot less shy than I was. So that's the good thing.

Hey, thanks for listening.


Sarah Caron said...

You were shyer than you are?!? OMG!

No seriously, for a really shy person you are pretty darned outgoing at work. Maybe it's the sweet shyness that people are attracted to - you know, makes them want to share to make YOU more comfy. Who knows. Human psychology is an amazing thing.

Patti said...

wow. You are an insightful person, my dear.

Lynn said...

The thing about shyness is that sometime people are able to hide it so well that not everyone realized that they are shy...Clearly you are a able to rise to the occasion. Good for you;~)

Patti said...

Lynn, you are very kind.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

never been shy myself, but i think shy is cute! ( and you are! )

smiles, bee

Patti said...

Bee: thanks for that!

Joan said...

I too was born with the shy gene (I wouldnt even answer the phone in our house when I was young) but somehow the gene mutated once I became a children's librarian and had to face a group of pre-schoolers for storytime. Suddenly I found the inner performer I never knew was there!

Patti said...

wow, a children's librarian! they have so much to take care of, I've noticed. What with entertainers, and summer reading programs, and activities for preschoolers, and keeping parents and grandparents happy...