Monday, February 6, 2012

Ruby Tuesday ~ school days

I drove our son back to school yesterday afternoon. He is a computer science major at the University of Hartford (Ct.).
I snapped this through the passenger window while I was waiting at the light. Not too exciting, but at least it's red! And that means I can use it for a Ruby Tuesday post. 

See lots more photos featuring a little or a lot of red at Ruby Tuesday 2.


Kim, USA said...

Great find!

The Bud

namaki said...

well spotted !

Dianne said...

it is the only red in the entire scene so it really pops

Chubskulit Rose said...

It looks great actually!

Come see my RUBIES when you get a chance.

Liz said...

Great shot. Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC
Liz @ MCN

Maria @ LSS said...

Nice find for Ruby.

Unknown said...

You never know what significance a pic has sometimes till years later!!

Cinderella said...

Good eyes! I think it ios nice that you drove your son back to school. This is how kids feel loved, even at that age:)

Robin said...

Yup, definitely red. I must be getting older, I find myself very nostalgic for my college years lately LOL.

Felisol said...

Things parents do. Driving their kids away from home, over and over again. "Parting means dying a bit," the French say.
I guess that we feel proud that our children are able to have an education and hope for a future on their own.
The picture (luckily taken out the passenger seat) to me is a symbol of our red, flaming hope for our children. Well done.

Ingrid said...

Very original !

Leah H. said...

Still red:)

Visiting for RT 2- hope you can stop by:)

Jessica said...

beautiful red sign of the university :-) visiting from Ruby Tuesday 2, hope that you can return the visit too.