I originally posted this photo in October 2008, long before I knew about Shadow Shot Sunday. I think it qualifies, don't you?
This is what I wrote at the time:
Rigby was looking out the front door at me ("Are you coming back in the house, Mommy?") when I took this picture. To me he looks like he is wearing a 'Phantom of the Opera' mask. Maybe that's just me.
To see many more photos with shadows, visit Tracy at Hey Harriet.
Happy Saturday/Sunday to all!
To see many more photos with shadows, visit Tracy at Hey Harriet.

Oh, it definitely qualifies! What a marvelous shadow shot and such a beautiful cat!
Have a great weekend!
How wonderful to own a cat...if only my terrorist terrier would allow...oh sure she'd allow, but she'd have the poor beast for lunch...BAD SCRATCHY!!!
Have a great weekend and I too am glad I didn't explode...but it was close!!! LOL
What a stunning cat! Definitely wearing a mask ready for the starring role . . .
certainly does qualify - love his shadow mask..
Wow... your pet really joining you the wonderful meme from downunder.
Have a great Sunday and hug the BDAY boy.
It's perfect for SSS, and he definitely looks like he came from Phantom!
What a handsome pussy cat he is! Very much a SSS me thinks! I love black and white cats!
Meow! What a sweet looking kitty. Nice shadow too!
That certainly qualifies! What a lovely photo of Rigby (I really like that name btw!). A very theatrical looking kitty!
PS - Wishing your son Cameron a very happy birthday :)
Rigby is a very beautiful cat and this is a great shadow shot. I love the expression in his eyes too
Cool shadow shot. I love the phantom of the opera take! It amazes me how a cat's intense stare can just be as simple as wanting a cuddle or some dinner from their owner. I've always wondered whether they're more complicated creatures then what we perceive.
Ya for kitty shadow shots..What a sweety!
yes, i agree, the kitty shadow qualifies. nice shot.
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