When I got finished experimenting with sepia and antique and color fade editing applications I ended up with this. I had to stop, I was driving myself cuckoo.
This is the original:

It's fun to experiment! I find myself leaning so far into the screen that I get a crick in my neck. Does that happen to you?
I love how the sepia brings out the texture in the wall.
And yes, after editing photos I often feel that tell tell cramp in my neck. :)
All of us bloggers will walk around with stiff necks, that's how you'll know who we are!
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
This look great in sepia! It adds such a charming effect to the scenery.
Ha! I know just what you mean when you say "cuckoo!" Sometimes I fiddle...and fiddle...and fiddle!
I like how sepia brings out the texture.
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