Friday, May 16, 2008

It was cl-awful

I know, I know, another cat story. But the felines provide me with so much blog fodder!

In the early morning hours on Monday (about 2 a.m.) Ralph woke up with a start.
"What the --- ?" he exclaimed (or words to that effect).

What had happened was Rigby (Cat Two for those keeping score) had just playfully scratched the bridge of Ralph's nose, enough to make it bleed quite a bit and wake him up.
I turned on the light, and blood was dripping into the corner of Ralph's left eye. Yuck.
Grab tissues! Run to bathroom sink for water! Emergency!
Ol' Rigby was out of there. He skedaddled.

We cleaned up the mess, and I shut the door to keep out all felines. Needless to say, we've closed the door firmly every night since then.
Sorry cats, we can't let you back in until we get you to a groomer to get those claws clipped.

They need to be bathed and have their nails clipped, but I am not going to do that. It's not one of my jobs.



Odat said...

awww....for you and the cat who got scratched!!!
Damn. I guess you do have to keep them out if you want to get some sleep!

and no I haven't found Maxine's dog's name yet...but i'm working on it.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh poor ralph, i know the kitty didn't mean to do it, it was an accident. yeah, that's it. an accident...

smiles, bee

Odat said...

Maxine's Dog is named FLLOYD!!!

And in my haste in reading your blog, i thought the two cats were in a fight...I didn't realize it was Ralph who got scrathed...,,oops, sorry Ralph!


Linda said...

Now that sounds like quite the rude awakening if you ask me! Were I Ralph, I would not have been amused at all!

Lynn said...

Oh no...poor Ralph! Those cats are more dangerous than running with a pencil or scissors. Did Ralph accidently put some catnip on his nose?

Patti said...

Odat: thanks for the research on Maxine's dog!

Bee: I hope it was an accident

Linda: He wasn't amused. No sir.

Lynn: They are wicked dangerous to be around ;-)