Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Still celebrating ...

Our birthday cake is gone (sorry Bee) but tonight we are going to an Italian restaurant for dinner and for dessert we are going to have tiramisu! Yummy.

The season's festivities continue for us. It's still the Twelve Days of Christmas and all, you know!
Plus today is a special day for me because it's my late father's birthday. Let me say first he was a much older dad before I tell you that he would have been 99 today.
Yep, he was born in 1910.
I was his birthday present, like Allegra was my birthday present in 1988.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

you can have all of the tiramasu because i don't like that. but the cake looks wonderful!!! keep having a happy birthday!

smiles, bee

Felisol said...

Happy belated birthday.
Nobody can make birthday cakes like the Americans. I simply cannot believe one looking even more elaborate than the other.
I bet you are lucky with your 1988 birthday present. (Our daughter is also born in 88.
A good year for the roses.)
Happy New Year to your lovely family.
From Felisol