Monday, August 8, 2011

Ruby Tuesday ~ summer fun

Today I post a photo of some real rubies, or gems as it were! These are some of the members of the next generation of our extended family.
I'm happy two of them were wearing red, which gave me an excuse to use this for
Ruby Tuesday!
Oh, and the flagstones are
red, so it's all good.

See lots more photos featuring a little or a lot of
red at Mary T's Work of the Poet.


Barb said...

Is that duct tape on her cast?! It looks like pink insulation and duct tape but surely NOT! =:-o

Mona Sweden said...

Very cute!

Carletta said...

Their summer joy is almost at an end for soon the school bells will ring!
I was looking at the cast (?) as well. It reminded me of a ballerina's answer to keep on going.

bj said...

You have the cutest rubies of all, Patti.
xo bj

Rinkly Rimes said...

I'm intrigued by the plastic foot! But she looks cheerful. As do they all.

Maria @ LSS said...

They are so cute! Happy RT.

Mine's here.

Dianne said...

juice box boy is back!!
I adore his sweet face

they are all lovely
I hope her foot/leg heals quickly

Kim, USA said...

I agree you they are the real gems!

Red gems

carol l mckenna said...

Great photos ~ and precious gems!

namaste, Carol visiting from Ruby Tuesday ( my blog is Share the Creative Journey) ^_^

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Why, yes, as long as there's red in there, it's all good!


Come in, my dear friends, and be seated, please—
Oh, all of you reds are such a big tease!
Scarlet, you creep over cheeks in a blush;
Crimson, you’re always in such a big rush!
Cherry, you’re tasty and pleasant to see;
Carmine, you utterly satisfy me!
So come in, my friends, and be seated, please—
Of all the colors, I’d rather have these!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Little Red Shopping Bag

JunieRose2005 said...


No finer rubies than our children! I love this picture!


Ingrid said...

These are real cute rubies !

Hootin Anni said...

Sweet, sweet....sweetness thru and thru!!!

WATER GARDEN - Fountains Do stop by for a visit if you can find time. Hope your day has been treating you well!!!

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