Yep, we're lucky you had your camera, too!! Great looking place for lunch and love your shadow shot! Funny how sticking my camera in my purse every time I go somewhere has gotten to be a habit -- and one of those habits I'm glad for! Can't say that about all of them! Hope you have a good weekend, Patti!
For a moment there when I saw your post title I was getting panicky that it was Sunday and I was supposed to be at work and no one had called to tell me! Then it dawned on me that if I was supposed to be at work and hadn't called or shown up, there would be an ambulance and crew parked outside of my house to round me up in person!
That is quite the lovely shadow, too. I bet as soon as you saw it you thought "I need to take a picture for my SS meme!" I'm right, aren't I??
Fun shadows are pretty lucky you brought the camera along :) At first when I read it, I thought it said Lunch ~ Gathering...and I thought, How nice to put Gathering on the front...then I realized it was Catering...maybe you ought to request they add "gathering" makes you want to mingle!! So glad your treatments have been going well - we are really tickled about that for ya!! Have a great week Patti!
we are also lucky patti. nice shot!!!
that looks to be a fun spot for lunch. or anytime! good catch on the shadow too. happy SSS to you.
I have got to get to downtown Derby and Sam's - the shadow is a good as the food they serve, tasty treats to be tried-soon!
Yep, we're lucky you had your camera, too!! Great looking place for lunch and love your shadow shot! Funny how sticking my camera in my purse every time I go somewhere has gotten to be a habit -- and one of those habits I'm glad for! Can't say that about all of them! Hope you have a good weekend, Patti!
Great sighting of that shadow, Patti. At first I though someone had stenciled the name on the wall. :)
For a moment there when I saw your post title I was getting panicky that it was Sunday and I was supposed to be at work and no one had called to tell me! Then it dawned on me that if I was supposed to be at work and hadn't called or shown up, there would be an ambulance and crew parked outside of my house to round me up in person!
That is quite the lovely shadow, too. I bet as soon as you saw it you thought "I need to take a picture for my SS meme!" I'm right, aren't I??
What a luck to find that pretty spot for shadows! Great shot Patti.
That`s a fabulous capture - I love this shadow shot.
I'm sure it's not, but I'm going to ask: Is that a shadow of a hat under the line of lettering (or is my imagination just going wild)?
If shadows could jump,
How high would they go?
As high as the moon?
Does anyone know?
If shadows could weep,
How long would they cry?
As long as it takes
To climb to the sky?
If shadows could laugh
And tell funny jokes
Would you take them home
And say, “Get this, folks!”?
If shadows could wed,
Would they prefer you
Or somebody else
To promise, “I do”?
© 2011 Magical Mystical Teacher
Shadows on this door and this
This really is an awesome shot, Patti.
A blogger can NEVER leave home without the trusty camera..never know what might pop up for a great photo. :)
I was already feeling a bit hungry. Now I really am!! Great SS's!
Nice shadow shot.
Such a unique image for SSS! I really like it.
Hidden Shadows Come on over if you have time today!!
Neat shot :)
Very nice shot! Cameras are good to have along at moments like that!
Fun shadows are pretty lucky you brought the camera along :) At first when I read it, I thought it said Lunch ~ Gathering...and I thought, How nice to put Gathering on the front...then I realized it was Catering...maybe you ought to request they add "gathering" makes you want to mingle!!
So glad your treatments have been going well - we are really tickled about that for ya!!
Have a great week Patti!
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