Sunday, January 31, 2010

Practicing night photography

The rising moon startled me this evening when I got in my car to take my mother home. It really looked huge.
When I returned I used the night mode on my point and shoot, and this was the best I could get after several tries. Dang it's cold out there.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i have NEVER gotten a good moon shot, i think you did great! in fact i bought a new camera online tonight with my paypal from paid ads on my other blog. it's a sony. i'll see how it does.

smiles, bee

Linda said...

Getting a good shot of the moon, I have decided, is next to impossible unless you have a super zoom lens and the patience of several saints! And yes, it was way too cold out there to have to that much patience!!

ramblingwoods said...

I can't get a decent moon shot. I've been told you need a tripod and a different film speed? I need to find out exactly how to do it..but it is so darn cold

CrAzY Working Mom said...

Nice job. I gave up trying to shoot the moon. I'm with patience (or expensive equipment).