Yesterday I stumbled upon two bright
red sheds, perfect for
Ruby Tuesday. So I photographed them and posted them
here. This is a follow-up to yesterday's post.
The sheds were on property owned by the kind man pictured below.
I visited him to write a
story about his 1963 "Zip Van" Studebaker mail truck, and found the sheds.

He is hoping that parking the vintage vehicle in a supermarket parking lot Saturday will boost donations to the annual National Association of Letter Carriers' Stamp Out Hunger food drive.
Web site says it's the largest single-day food drive in the nation.
I know our local food pantry shelves always need re-stocking. I'm sure the ones in your area do too!
We always give to that drive. Our local pantry is hurting these days as well
You made me laugh with the Studebaker! That wasn't the one I had in mind but it is a beauty as well
All food banks and Goodwill Donation sites are hurting everywhere. So sad.
I just read down the page. Squirrels??! Birthdays??! (Happy, Ralph!) Squirrels???! Oh dear.
I am having the same trouble with a demon squirrel who chewed up the cushions on my deck and made a nest from the stuffing! It's a post in the making. I feel your pain.
And they're in your attic?!
Poor Princess.
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