Monday, April 11, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

My surgeon brought me this balloon just hours after surgery two weeks ago. It was a fun surprise as I was lying there waiting for the effects of anesthesia to subside.
I thought it was sweet of her! It made me smile, and it made my overnight stay at the hospital more pleasant.

Ralph (Airhead 55) suggested I use a photo of it for Ruby Tuesday, since I haven't participated in RT for quite a while. Just can't seem to get organized!

See lots more photos featuring the color red at Mary T's Work of the Poet blog each Tuesday.


EG CameraGirl said...

I'd say you have a very thoughtful surgeon, Patti! I hope you are healing quickly. I have been thinking about you!

Felisol said...

Dear Patti,
I have been missing you. So glad you are back.
Both one of y colleges and my physiotherapist had breast cancer surgery one year and a half ago.
They are both back at work and thriving. Since I have followed them closely, I know you Have had a hard time.
"Knowing" Ralph and yourself, I also know you are on a winning team.
From Felisol

Carletta's Captures said...

Ralph was right Patti, it's a perfect Ruby!
You must have a very caring surgeon. Such thoughtfulness is indeed rare. It's nice knowing that kind of person was taking care of you. :)
Continued prayers for your healing.

forgetmenot said...

Hope you are doing well-- so nice of your doctor to do that. Mickie :)

Stef said...

Very sweet! Get stronger! Hope you can visit my daughter's entry and mine too! Thanks!

Liz said...

Get well soon! :)

My Ruby link.

Barb said...

Wow! I can't believe your doctor brought you something! That's highly unusual and very thoughtful and kind!

I had the best GYN doctor for more than 25 years. He did all his own surgeries. His face and voice were always the last ones I saw and heard just before surgery and again the first I saw and heard just after surgery in recovery.

However, he never brought me a balloon!

Ingrid said...

What an adorable attention !

Robin said...

How thoughtful of your surgeon to do that, they often seem so remote but you've got yourself a real winner there. I'm sure that she put extra care into every stitch as well.

Sending gentle healing thoughts beaming towards Connecticutt.


My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Linda said...

Ralph is right - great choice! And how sweet that your surgeon brought you a balloon! I think that's the first time I've ever heard of a doctor doing something like that so you must be one very special patient! As you know, you are to me - I'm just glad to hear that your doctor thinks so, too!