Monday, September 20, 2010

Ruby Tuesday ~

Two of my favorite rubies!
Here they are after the Center for Disability Rights' annual Wheel-a-Thon yesterday at the beach in West Haven, Ct.
I missed seeing the obstacle course competition, but Ralph said all went well and lots of people took part.
Allegra and I got there just in time for lunch and cake ~~ we were at church when the event started Sunday morning.
All in all, it looked like it was a major success. Kudos to Ralph's friends and colleagues who organized the fund-raiser!

To see lots more Ruby photos, visit Mary T's Work of the Poet blog.


Anonymous said...

Ah, you changed your template! It looks nice! It's also much easier for me to read. I don't do well with light text on a dark background. I wish I did as photos look better against black. ;-)

Yay Ralph and his colleagues for a successful event!

Big hugs :]

Leora said...

Where's Ralph's red shirt? Looks like a good day was had by all.

Felisol said...

Leora, Ralph is the ruby of her heart, can't you see that?
Somehow, I've always pictured Ralph older,( your kids are the same age as our Serina).
Then, we were really late bloomers. I was 38 when our daughter was born.

Liza said...

Great shot. Sounds like the participants had fun.

My entries:
Moms... Check Nyo

Maria @ LSS said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. Happy RT.

Cafe au lait said...

Great shot! Happy RT.

Kim, USA said...

Congratulations to a successful event!
The cars

EG CameraGirl said...

Allegra is smiling but how come Ralph isn't? (Only teasing, Ralph, if you happen to see this. I am now smiling and backing away very slowly.)

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Your favorite rubies, because they're so precious--right?

Angel of Mercy

Anonymous said...
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Dianne said...

getting there in time for lunch and cake made me laugh

I love Allegra's smile, it's the same smile as the one from old photos that Ralph posts

Kudos to Ralph and his team

Ingrid said...

That's a nice picture and the T-shirt comes on purpose, lol !

Linda said...

I'd say that those are two diamonds and not just rubies (though in my opinion rubies are SO much prettier than diamonds regardless of value!).

Kudos to Ralph and everyone else for a successful event and Allegra looks wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Awwww! So sweet. ;-)


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