Monday, June 27, 2011

Ruby Tuesday ~

Ralph used a photo of a sign from our local street festival that I was going to use for Ruby Tuesday, so I found others with some red in them that I took Saturday at the 14th annual Derby Day.
I'll forgive him this one time. ;-)

Lookit all the rubber duckies. I should have gotten another for my collection.

I posted this photo below of the Sterling Opera House on Sunday but I figure why not re-use a photo I like? As you can see the weather was beautiful Saturday afternoon.

This is a friend who is part of Above the Realm paranormal investigative team. He was one of three members who were giving tours of the historic Sterling Opera House throughout the day.

I haven't participated in a while in Ruby Tuesday, but I'm back. See more photos featuring a little or a lot of red each week at Mary T's Work of the Poet.


Leora said...

Love the rubber duckies. And it would be fun to have your friend give a tour of the Opera House.

And how dare Ralph take the photo you wanted to use! ;-)

Ingrid said...

You could have used the first picture for "Mellow Yellow" too !
Nice reds !

nonizamboni said...

Welcome back! And reds seem to pop out everywhere, even in crowds. Tho I've not seen a rubber ducky with two feet yet :O)

Dianne said...

great collection of shots Patti
I love the duck - big one and small ones :)

Cafe au lait said...

Beautiful shots. I love the cute ducks.

I played too. Mine are here and here.

bj said...

Ahhh, love all your rubies, Patti.
I have a funny post up right now and thought you might get a chuckle out of it...:))
Hope you are feeling alright...and I am anxious to hear that news you spoke of.
love, bj

Linda said...

Yea, yea, this is all well, good, and fine but where's that amazing news you were going to tell us about?!?