Shadows on our mulberry tree this afternoon.

I have no idea why Blogger wasn't working for me today. It's almost midnight, and this is the third time I tried to create this post. It kept saying Service Unavailable when I tried to upload. Was anyone else having a problem?
Anyhow, it's not quite Sunday and I'm about to hit publish! I did it.
Go see many more shadowy photos at our awesome Aussie friend Tracy's Hey Harriet blog and join in the fun!

oh these are great shots patti! love them!
smiles, bee
Marvelous shadow shots, Patti! I love them, too! Hope you have a great Sunday!
These are great! Some mulberries right about now would go down a treat!
I've been having trouble with uploading photos to blogger off and on for the last month now. It's very frustrating! I know of others who have been experiencing problems also. I'm not sure what's going on but I hope the issues are resolved soon...
Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
I haven't been having any problems with blogger, although I do recall it saying no service when I looked at the Navbar a few times.
I use to live next door to a town named Mulberry. Funny, I don't think I've ever eaten any Mulberry fruit!
Happy Sunday, Patti! Big hugs :]
these shadows are wonderful
I really like the leaves on the tree trunk
I get Error 503 Service Unavailable now and then
usually if I refresh I'm OK
Fabulous shadow shots! I have been having a bit of a problem leaving comments - after clicking on 'publish your comment', it sits for a while and then comes up with 'service unavailable' (very annoying if you have just type a long comment!)
WOW!! love these shots, that tree is gorgeous.
Ya know, I don't think I'd know a mulberry tree if I fell out of one! Great shots, though!
Blogger has been giving me some grief from time to time but because I load my pictures via HTML code from Flickr, I don't know if it has picture problems or not. Seems like so many things on the Internet are having bugs these days!
Great shadow shots! I wasn't on yesterday, but I've seen tons of "no service" messages today while commenting. ~ Calico Contemplations
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