Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I get by with a little help from my friends (with apologies to The Beatles)

Betty Crocker and I just baked some sugar cookies to go in the freezer until Valentine's Day.

Aunt Jemima helped me make breakfast, and I am thinking of asking Uncle Ben to prepare some rice to go with the chicken I'm planning to bake for dinner.

The Green Giant said he'd bring the broccoli.

Mr. Clean and I have an appointment at 9 a.m.

As you can see, I have a lot of friends. They help me get by.

I know Ringo would understand.


Joan said...

I once had a professor write on an essay "Concise but good." I wrote him a note back that said "Concise IS good." Love your blog.

Patti said...

Thanks for the nice (and concise) words, Joan.

Glad you like what I am writing. I am having fun.

Love the photo in your profile!
