Up, down, up, down. What a week. Blame it on the steroids I got Monday, I suppose.
On Tuesday I felt like I was in perpetual motion. I covered two live events, wrote a third story, and did some other stuff for work.
On Wednesday that "energy" was gone, but I did cover a live event first thing in the morning, and also filed a second story.
By Thursday I was "mezza-mezza" energy-wise, but managed to cover yet another live event at night.
Now it's Friday afternoon, I filed a story. And I'm hoping that's it for this week.
Before I know it I'll be back in chemoland, and the cycle will begin again.
Only two more treatments and I can get off this roller coaster for now.
{Now it's Sunday. Thank you for reading my online journal about my breast cancer journey ~ I don't like to complain but was urged to post what I had written Friday, so I did.}